The 12 years from childhood through adolescence to youth are a most important time in which our basic essence as human beings is formed. We are creating a new primary and secondary education to ensure that each of these irreplaceable years is cherished.

Primary and Secondary Education

Together with Keio Yochisha Elementary School, Keio Yokohama Elementary School is the starting point of Keio's integrated education from the age of 6 until university and graduate schools. At the Headmaster's recommendation, children graduating from Keio Yokohama Elementary School move up to Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School.

Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School, established at the Shonan Fujisawa Campus ("SFC") in 1992, is a school covering the six years from junior to senior high school. The target of its education is "to cultivate persons of education who are aware of their social responsibility and have a good balance of intelligence, sensitivity and physical fitness." Its particular characteristics are "cross-cultural exchange" and "information education."

On "cross-cultural exchange," approximately half of the teachers in their English department are native speakers, and their lessons focus on "becoming able to do something in English" rather than simply "learning about English." In their overseas study programs, meanwhile, they have expanded their own scope for study abroad. They currently operate exchange study programs with a total of thirteen schools in six countries (UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea). Given this kind of environment, all of their pupils receive plentiful stimulation during their six years at the school.

In their "information education," they offer education on computer and network literacy, among others. Through this, they aim to impart the ability to make correct judgments on the value of information by critically evaluating the various information that is inundating society, and to cultivate qualities as future leaders of society.

These aims extend throughout their entire curriculum. In social studies, they place particular emphasis on the work of deciphering and compiling information from various sources, such as creating statistical graphs, while in mathematics their focus is on teaching data science. Their educational levels in each of these fields have been highly praised.

On the other hand, they also strive to acquaint the pupils with Japanese classics, in order to cultivate truly "balanced persons of education." This is clearly evident from the fact that "Hyakunin Isshu" card game tournaments and exhibition performances of Noh and Kyogen are held as school events every year.

Like the other Keio senior high schools, nearly all pupils who graduate from Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School move on to matriculate at the various faculties of Keio University (not only those at SFC), following a recommendation from the school.

At Keio Yokohama Elementary School and Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School, we cooperate as necessary in enhancing our curricula, with the aim of creating an integrated education with sights set on the path to university. In doing so, we remain mindful of our emphasis on basic academic ability and the continuity of educational content.

While placing importance on the milestone of graduating to university, we also cherish an environment in which we can watch over our students' needs, in accordance with their stage of development, throughout their twelve years at the schools.

To this end, too, we engage in mutual exchanges between our schools, such as by having teachers at both schools teach some classes in the other school. In this way, an attitude of understanding each and every pupil in more multifaceted and comprehensive ways is fostered throughout each school, over a longer span of time.
