Annual Events and Off-Campus Activities

Keio Yokohama Elementary School holds various seasonal events amid a rich natural environment. While obviously paying attention to the quality of daily lessons, we also think it important to provide excursions, sports meets, concerts and other events for the pupils to enjoy in cooperation and harmony with each other during the annual cycle.

We also devote energy to off-campus activities; our multiple overnight trips focusing on practical experience and activity, in particular, are initiatives that involve the whole school. Outside the home environment, the pupils develop a sense of independence and leadership, and learn the spirit of cooperation. It is not hard to imagine that these will serve them as practical skills in their future lives. Although we positively incorporate a diversity of events and off-campus activities, we also ensure a good balance, so that the pupils are not too busy with events. Meanwhile, we provide opportunities for presentations on the outcome of daily lessons in various forms throughout the year. Finally, we make time for evacuation drills in readiness for a major disaster, and engage in other activities between different grades. In the process, the pupils develop an awareness of crisis management and the sense that they are individuals within an organization.

Calendar of Annual Events

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
- Entrance ceremony
- Traffic safety guidance
- Health examinations (whole school)
- Keio Foundation Day (April 23)
- Excursion
- Evacuation drill
- Spring Sokei Baseball Game
- Summer projects exhibition
- Evacuation drill
- Sports day
- Autumn Sokei Baseball Game
- School concert
- Yukichi Fukuzawa's Birthday (Jan. 10)
- Evacuation drill
- Memorial of Yukichi Fukuzawa's Death: Grave Visit (Feb. 3)

Off-Campus Activities

"Learning from experience" is one of the main pillars of education at Keio Yokohama Elementary School. As an opportunity to practice this, alongside school lessons and on-campus activities, we undertake off-campus activities in which we visit various locations of interest. By accumulating observations and experiences outside the school, we expect the pupils' curiosity and understanding to be enhanced, and by extension, we expect this to expand from the familiar spaces around them to the local and international communities. We also undertake residential learning trips to various places such as Tateshina, where Keio has a lodge. The purpose of learning trips is not only for the participants to create happy memories together as an event, but also to cultivate strong mental powers and feelings of consideration for others, by spending a disciplined time together with their friends in an environment away from their families. Keio's spirit of "independence and self-respect" is further reinforced through this residential learning.

  • 1st grade -'Kodomo-no-Kuni'Park
  • 2nd grade - Hakone
  • 3rd grade - Chiba seaside
  • 4th grade - Tateshina
  • 5th grade - Noto Peninsula
  • 6th grade -
    UK Exchange Programme (London)
    Australia Study Abroad Programme (Brisbane)
    Iceland Experience Programme
